Husa Alangari

Instructional Systems Technology
I recently completed my M.S. in Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University. As with any fresh graduate, I look forward to teaching instructional technology in a higher educational setting. I am interested in teaching at a major university in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The courses I am interested in teaching include e-learning, task analysis, change management, instructional development and production, and/or evaluation. I would also like to incorporate technology in these courses and hopefully help develop a major e-learning initiative at the university.
This portfolio chronicles my contributions to the field of instructional systems technology and related disciplines. It contains examples of my work to showcase my strengths and abilities, as well as my areas of interest. Many of the projects were team-based and therefore the names of my collaborators have been concealed to protect their privacy. I hope to make positive contributions to the field in the near future.